About. Destination wedding photographer in Iceland, Spain, Italy, Greece and

"On light only two things justify human existence: love and art" — William Somerset Maugham

Friends, I welcome you on the my personal website!

My name is Anton Kuznetsov, I am a professional wedding and portrait photographer.

In addition to the photo, my hobbies in life are travel, yachting, bicycle walks, and also mountaineering.

I am a photographer in the third generation: the grandfather at me was fond of the documentary photo, and the father at me the graphic designer with the 15th years of  experience, and nowadays advertizing photographer.

I have begun to be engaged in the photo more than 10 years ago. Purchase of the first mirror camera in far 2005 has turned a picture of the world and idea of it in my consciousness. It appears by means of the camera it is possible not only to do documentary pictures, but also to put sense, idea, to create atmospheric history, to manage perception of the viewer, to influence mood by means of color and light decisions, to change feeling of space and amount, creating new reality which is called the Art Photo from capital letter.

In professional photography I have begun the way with work as the photographer-journalist in the magazine Mobile Communication, having worked in it 2 years, I have written more than 15 articles of reviews to phototechnique innovations, and also features of shooting in different conditions.

Later the beginning of work on the western websites of the advertizing stock photo (ShutterStock, Istock and Fotolia) became a turning point for me.

The industry of advertizing for me was good school. Handling of one shot for the magazine can take 5-7 hours of time on the computer, and it is serious work and approach to this work shall be responsible. It very much disciplines, your works check then thoroughly and if any trifle or a defect is present — it simply will not accept that. Therefore now in the work, whether it be the portrait or wedding photo, I do everything on conscience and I use only the best equipment.

Before to come to wedding and portrait photography, for me the most important it was to be prepared as technically and creatively as I consider, if something to do – that should be done it well.

Self-training, reading books on art and the photo was the first stage. Later I have got professional education in case of the Union of Designers as "Pictorialist", and "The psychological portrait" in Minsk has completed a training course. Then as well as all beginners in this area of photographers had amateur shootings, shooting of a family and relatives, the first weddings of friends.

In the photo there is no limit to perfection: the world does not stand still — the fashion, style and approach to shootings therefore I annually give to the training a special role changes - I regularly attend master classes of the famous photographers, I go to be trained to Russia, Ukraine and abroad.

On this I the moment have attended courses and master classes of such famous photographers as Alexander Medvedev, Yervant, Jerry Ghionis, Laslo Gabani, Dan Hetscho, Alexey Nikishin, Alina Lebedeva, Pyotr Lovygin, Eduard Kraft, Pavel Kiselyov, Ivan Troyanovsky, Igor Bulgak, Olga Dronova, Yulia Frantova and Igor Sakharov.

I derive the inspiration from classical and folk music, the ballet, cinema, animation and painting.

In the photo I love "air" — open spaces, diversity, development of history beyond the scope of a shot, emotions, tenderness, refinement and laconicism. Recognizable style in my creativity are bright orange autumn stories, and also incredible sunsets :)

Colleagues photographers even have suggested to make a company slogan: "I am that photographer who take the photos most tasty fall and fiery sunsets" :))))

The large role in my life for me was always played by a family. I always considered that the family is the most great value in life of any person. Only with a family we have and we trust the most sincere feelings and emotions. The photo allows to imprint these light and happy moments of our life, to give a gift to yourself to the future.

I have made already more than 200 photoshoots, but every time going to shooting I always worry, because the people trust me the Emotions and Feelings! Before the photographer the heavy responsibility, the wedding day always lies, it is not day of a birthday and not new year which happen in every year and it not that event of which it is possible to make a copy therefore preparation and professionalism of the photographer who despite all circumstances shall take the first-class pictures is very important.

Having a lot of experience, I am always glad to help with the organization of wedding day and to prompt from the point of view of the photographer as where and what to make what moments should be considered and what to pay attention to. Also I always with pleasure give consultations on creation of interesting ideas for future photoshoots, on selection of things and places for shooting.

The good photo in my understanding is similar to cinema: in which most important elements it is the unique place, a play of light, details, suits and surrounding things — all that, as takes the picture unique and an image of the person in her — real, live, but not artificial. Preparation for some shots can take several weeks, but the result is worth it and surpasses all expectations of couples.

I devote much time to communication and acquaintance to people, actually by the end of shooting becoming friends whom then there is no wish to leave. It is natural if I see that people try to do something new, unusual, interesting, then I always with pleasure support them in creative new beginings.

I love the work and I treat it very responsibly. I specialize in shooting of a lovestory (engagement) and weddings.

I love the cheerful, open and positive people spending active lifestyle.

I create sincere, live, solar and cheerful photos. I give Magic and the Positive to people :)

Very much I like to remove beautiful prewedding photoshoots - lovestory (engagement). They allow to realize romantic story of love, and a slideshow created from such photos, at display on the big screen at the wedding, will become a remarkable gift surprise for close relatives and friends!

Also I do the print on a canvas and photobooks of a premium class.

My philosophy and credo: high quality, reliability of services, stable result, comfortable conditions of shooting and an individual attitude for the client.

My benefits and differences from other photographers:

  • I am a professional photographer and I am engaged only in the photo 7 years. On the present it is in love with the photo - it is business of my life.
  • According to the professional website of wedding photographers in Belarus of www.photo-video.by I enter in TOP-20 the best photographers of the country. 
  • I am better than all photographers in Minsk shoot weddings and lovestory ing golden autumn time.
  • I am the only photographer in the world which is able to shoot fantastic sunsets with the huge red sun.
  • I shoot not the first year and I know how to receive live and beautiful photos which will keep your memories in the best look. I worked at different weddings, with different people and I know not only features of wedding photographing, but also possible nuances and problems which you can face at the organization of the wedding. And, of course, I will help you to avoid them.
  • I shoot the limited number of weddings in a year that allows me to prepare better for each of them and to create for each couple something unique, but not to stamp consumer photos. Each new wedding and new couple for me is the special and i always wish to create unique family value for everyone. I understand and I assume heavy responsibility for creation of history for a new family. I appreciate trust of people and at each wedding I give all the best for all 100%.
  • I am cheerful and optimistical, young and vigorous. Will work with me easy and comfortably.
  • I shoot with two professional full frame cameras - Canon 5D mark III and I use the best optics for creation of excellent photos. I consider that the true professional shall have 2 cameras of a top class which are protected from a rain, snow also provide the maximum reliability in any conditions of shooting. That will be if during a wedding the camera fails? In total shooting to come to the end? About this fact that even expensive (and especially cheap) cameras can break, not each photographer, and especially newlyweds thinks.
  • I am constantly trained at the best photographers of Russia, Ukraine and Abroad.
  • I seek to use not only the classical and checked methods, but also I look for new, creating unique photos.
  • I am fluent in English. For me it is possible to communicate with the foreigner in his native language.
  • The multi-visa opened Schengen. A possibility of visit to all countries of Europe, and also to Russia and Ukraine.
  • I use the additional lighting equipment for improvement of quality of the photo.
  • If necessary I involve the second photographer or the assistant, for improvement of quality and the number of photos.
  • I don't drink, I don't smoke, I am engaged in cycling (I like to travel, in a day I pass up to 120 km) — endurance allows me to be in a tone all wedding day and to provide stable result.

Ordering a photo session from me, you can be sure that I will carry out it from idea and before realization qualitatively and stylishly!

Тел/Viber/WhatsApp: +375 29 649-10-31
E-mail: photocafe3@gmail.com
Skype: asm_Zealot  

Vk.com: akfotos | Facebook: photocafe | Instagram: @photocafe3

Best regards, wedding photographer Anton Kuznetsov